Cloth vs Disposable Diapers: Which Is Best?

The debate between cloth vs disposable diapers is roughly 67 years old. Cloth diapers were the only option until Johnson & Johsons introduced their first, mass-market disposable diapers in 1948. Mothers were ecstatic. Not only did it make changing babies easier, but it also eliminated time spent laundering and drying diapers and - perhaps most appreciated of all - their increasingly improved absorbency meant Baby had to be changed less.

The Debate Wages On: Cloth vs Disposable Diapers

However, in this eco-aware time period, it’s harder and harder to make the argument for the average disposable diaper, which makes up approximately 1.5% of all landfill waste. And, there’s something to be said for giving babies a fresh change every time they go and keeping potentially harmful chemicals away from their skin. Then again, new eco-friendly disposable options - including compostable diapers - have brought a lively debate back to the table: 

Which Is Better - Cloth Or Disposable Diapers?

I’ll spare you all the suspense and get to the answer right off the bat: the best diaper is the one that makes you feel the calmest, at peace, and taken care of. Because, after decades of taking photos of babies and their adorable loved ones, I’ve learned that babies are 100% attuned to their caregivers. A stressed-out caregiver yields a stressed-out baby - and a child that either absorbs that stress (like ultra-absorbent disposable diapers) or learns to distance themself from their own emotions to make their caregiver happy. 

There are no one-size-fits-all answers to the question of cloth vs disposable diapers. However, there are categorical wins or losses for each type depending on what’s most important to you. So, that’s how I’ve outlined this blog.

Environmental impact: 

  1. Cloth

  2. Compostable and eco-friendly disposables

  3. Disposable

When it comes to environmental impact, cloth diapers win. They are reusable for years and potentially decades, easily integrated into the weekly laundry, and become dust rags long after the kiddos have grown up. If you use eco-friendly detergents (which is a common theme of the cloth diaper industry), the footprint of a cloth diaper is relatively small.

Compostable diapers are the second-place winners and also a very exciting “newbie” in the eco-friendly disposable diaper market. They still require far more manufacturing, production, and transportation resources than cloth. However, their eco-friendly make-up and ability to be 100% composted make them a better alternative to most of their disposable counterparts.

Standard disposable diapers make up about 1.5% of landfill waste and take up to 500 years to fully break down due to the trace amounts of plastic and other synthetic materials that make them so convenient (EPA). Disposables are the born losers in the environmental impact category.

Household costs:

  1. Cloth (if you keep to the basics)

  2. Disposables

  3. Eco-friendly/compostable

This one is not as easy to figure out as you might think. The cloth diapering world is hot, and there are shocking cloth diaper trends, so it can become a shopping addiction if you’re not careful. As SimplyMomBailey writes in her blog, “It sounds innocent enough, but buying cloth diapers doesn’t solve postpartum depression/anxiety. It doesn’t fix the baby blues or alleviate the loneliness of motherhood.” With that in mind, if you keep cloth diapers functional - and don’t swing too far into cloth diaper Insta-obsession, cloth are still cheaper than disposables. 

If you keep cloth diapering simple, meaning do your research, purchase the ones you feel will work best, purchase extra absorbent liners if you need them, etc., and launder them at home, cloth diapers are the most affordable diapering option. They can purchase second-hand if money is an issue. Also, if you plan on having more than one child, you’ll save all that initial expense on the next baby round. On the flip side, if you’re a one-and-done parent, you can resell them and recoup some of the expenses.

Basic, store-brand disposables are the next most affordable option. Waiting for sales or purchasing them in bulk at Costco saves you even more. 

Finally, eco-friendly and compostable diapers are the most expensive because they are conscientiously made. Keep in mind that compostable diapers can’t be put in the family compost pile or composting bin; you need to take them to a designated commercial composting location or use a compostable diaper service - like the Bay Area’s very own Earth Baby.

Personal time and energy when comparing cloth vs disposable:

This category is 100% subjective, without a clear winner. 

Working parents, parents of multiple children, or those that find early parenting overwhelming and need to keep things as simple as possible are most likely to choose disposables. They’re quick and easy, and eliminate the extra time required to launder, dry, fold, or change babies more often. 

If you fall into the above category but are an environmentally focused person, you’re probably going to do what it takes to go the compostable diaper route. That provides the ease/convenience of the disposable diaper in daily life but provides a better and more sustainable closed-loop story for the planet. Don’t forget that diaper services - compostable OR cloth make great baby shower registry items!

If you have a full-time, stay-at-home parent or caregiver who is dedicated to the mission, or you feel ready to take on some extra steps to go cloth, then cloth diapers are fairly easy to add into the rhythm. The key is to get enough that you only have to launder them two or three times per week (typically 24 to 30) - then less as your child begins potty training. OR if you can afford it, take advantage of Bay Area cloth diapers services which make cloth as easy as disposable in the big-picture. Examples of those services include Tiny Tots Diaper Service, Diaper Fetch, or The Diaper Wagon (North Bay).

You Can Have It All!

That all takes us back to where we started; Rule Number One of Parenting is that the right answer is always the one that feels right or best to you. It may be that you go the hybrid route, cloth diapers when you’re at home but disposables of one type or another when you’re running errands, having an extra busy or rough day, or while on vacation. 

As long as you’re having it all, don’t forget to book your maternity and newborn baby photography session with Lemonshoots. These moments deserve to be photographed and cherished for years to come, way after diapering is a thing from the past . Contact Us to schedule a session or to learn more about our offerings.

Marcela Limon