Fun Ways To Announce Your Pregnancy

Are you getting ready to share the big news with your beloved partner, family, and friends? If so, there are so many fun ways to announce your pregnancy. While some may want to go “all out” with a dramatic pregnancy announcement, others prefer a quieter and more simple approach. 

10 Creative Ways To Announce “I’m Pregnant!”

Either way, our maternity photo sessions frequently include all kinds of fun stories about how they announced their pregnancy to loved ones. Through those stories, we have lots of ideas. 

We feel the best announcements are the ones that combine the personality or interests of the parents-to-be with the personality type of the one receiving the news. For example, if your parents are introverts or don’t enjoy the spotlight, a public announcement may not be the best option. If, however, your partner is a huge sports fan - - holding up a “I’m Pregnant” sign during the halftime show at a party or public might be the perfect way to share your news with them - and the rest of the world.

Here are some of the many creative pregnancy announcement ideas we’ve heard about along the way:

Add a maternity store to your lunch and shopping date

Do you and your mom or other family members have a standing lunch or coffee and shopping date? If so, schedule the next date at a shopping center or mall with a maternity store. Then, as you stroll by - casually mention something like, “Oh, yes. I’ve been meaning to stop in here because I’ll need to update my wardrobe with maternity clothes pretty soon…”

First of all, they’ll love the surprise. Secondly, you may even get a few maternity clothing gifts from the deal!

Purchase a cleverly worded t-shirt

This one is tried and true, but people still love it. There are so many fun and cleverly worded t-shirts that announce your pregnancy to everyone from a future father or grandparent to a sibling, aunty, or uncle. Choose one that matches the relationship and then gift them the next time you’re together (or send one in the mail). 

Wear the t-shirt yourself

A flipped version of purchasing a t-shirt for yourself and donning it for a family or friend get-together. There is everything from “I quit drinking! (Just kidding. I’m pregnant)” to “Growing a tiny human” or paired t-shirt options where the mother’s says something about “Coming Soon” or “Extra Heartbeat” with an arrow while your partner’s says something like, “I helped!”

The Etsy Online Shop is a great place to shop for either type of shirt. We encourage supporting U.S. businesses and handmade items, so remember to click those options in the filters. 

Host a potluck game night

If your friends and family like game nights, you can find many clever ways to announce your pregnancy to the group. Pictionary or Charades are two favorites that make it easy to incorporate drawing - or acting - out your announcement. Then, you get to sit back and watch as reality sets in that your message is true for you!

The food reveal…

You can also do a pregnancy reveal via decorated food. Spell it out on a homemade pizza, frost it out on cupcakes, or a standard cake. Decorate their favorite type of cookie or pour it out in pancake batter from a condiment container with a narrow squeeze spout. Use your loved ones’ favorite foods to feed them the delicious news.

Assemble a newborn basket

Let’s face it, the only thing cuter than teeny-weeny newborn clothes are teeny-weeny newborns wearing those clothes. One of the sweetest and most useful ways to announce your pregnancy is to assemble newborn baskets with all the newborn essentials for anyone who will be a primary or close secondary caregiver in the baby’s life. It’s so fun watching the joy bubble over as your family or close friends open each little pair of socks, onesies, hats, blankets, etc.

Give them the gift of newborn education

Another great gift for partners or siblings is a book that educates them on newborns or infant care as it relates to them. For example, a partner may appreciate Happy With Baby: Essential Relationship Advice When Partners Become Parents, knowing you care just as much about preserving the integrity of your bond as you do about the new baby. It’s not uncommon for siblings to become jealous, which is why books like Mercer Meyer’s The New Baby or Welcome to the Big Kids Club: What Every Older Sibling Needs to Know make fun and supportive announcements.

Let your fur babies share the big news

If this is your first child, and you have a fur baby, your pet may be the perfect venue for announcing your pregnancy news. Examples include bandanas that say things like, “Mom and Dad Are Getting Me a Little Human,” or, “Guard Dog Duty Starts insert due date”, stamped with little baby footprints. 

A photographer friend of mine was hired to take a photo of a client’s dogs, looking as if they’re reading the iconic book, What to Expect When You’re Expecting, another clever way to make an announcement using a graphic you can send in a text or post on social media.

Head down the baby aisle at the grocery store

This one is akin to the maternity clothing store idea. The next time you head to the grocery store with your honey, make your way down the baby aisle toss a few must-haves (like diapers and wipes) into the cart, and then wait for their reaction.

Announce (and capture their reaction) in a family photo

Get the family together in the guise of wanting a family photo. Set up your camera with a timer. Then, when the countdown gets to 3, start the countdown out loud. After 1, shout, “I’m having a baby” or “We’re pregnant,” and then your photo will capture the candid reaction of your loved ones. 

Once They Know, It’s Time To Book Maternity & Newborn Sessions

Most people like to wait until Week 12 or 13 to make their announcement. At that point, it’s time to book your maternity and newborn sessions to make sure we have room in our books. Contact Lemonshoots to set up your sessions; we can’t wait to help you celebrate your special news!

Marcela Limon